deep sea jellyfish

donate your soy sauce ; kanata shinkai fanclub

updated: 03.18.2022

「 bio 」

○ name's shi !
25 / taken + pan / cali / mexicana
★ they/them
09.01 / virgo
○ has mental eelness
college student (1st year)
hobbys; art, games, handcrafts, cooking, collecting (figures, buttons, clothes, etc)
loves; music, daydreaming, beaches, travelling, pastel/soft colors, cute things, dogs
strong dislikes 😌; pedophiles (csa survivor), discrimination of any kind, TERFS, extremists


i am someone with no filter on my personal platforms since it's mostly for me and my own interests. i may be aggressive regarding this so follow at your own risk or please block honestly.

i post 18+ content. Not all the time, but still, no minors please!

I tend to like things regarding the horror and gore genre. (Not to the extreme) so pls keep that in mind.

Otherwise, i’m a pretty chill person. I have some social anxiety but feel free to message me about anything!


If you’re 17 or younger.

Like incest and/or pedophilic ships

If you have many triggers (for the safety of others possibly getting hurt by my content :( take care of yourselves and block please )

If you believe pansexuals are an erasure of bisexuals. 🙄🙄

use he/him for arashi nakukami (ensemble stars)

Contact + Disclaimer

To be perfectly clear, I am not a perfect person. As no one else is, too.

My interest may seem harmless to some, but problematic to others. If that is the case for you, please block me, and take care of yourselves.

I do not wish for any actions other than that. Thank you.

I'm pretty selective with who wants to add/follow me on my personal accounts, mutuals preferred ! Messages are open for any inquiries.



I block people manually to clear out my feed from discomforts and personal sway of opinions.

other reasons:

✘ Madara Mikejima / MadaraPs
(some likes/rts will have him in it only because he's in a group photo with most of my faves. otherwise, he is my biggest discomfort character.)
✘ fitting onto my dislike criteria.
✘ causing a lot of discourse/drama

and that is all for now. have a nice day.

Iconslink link link link link link
middle icon (painting)Impressionist Seascape Oil Painting by George Renouard